AirLab is a machine learning model used in the Airdub platform, which is based on the analysis of audio data using the sub-linguistic features of language to perform learning and re-creation processes.
As a result, customers can train their own voices and use them on different platforms. AirLab’s feature enables our system to integrate with any type of system.
Furthermore, AirLab can be used in the international market, offering customers the ability to broadcast in different languages.
Thus, thanks to the innovative technologies offered by Airdub, our customers can effectively manage their own voices and provide an impressive voice experience by using them on different platforms.
Airdub is a sound samples platform designed to respect copyright laws. The platform’s aim is to provide users with sound samples that they can legally use. Therefore, users can upload their own custom sound samples to a library called AirLib. However, users who want to use other users’ sound samples must obtain prior permission and agreement on the copyright.
These samples can be used for making music, sound designing, or other sound projects. Users can upload these samples to the AirLib library, and other users can create their own projects by using these samples.

Airdub is a sound samples platform designed to respect copyright laws. The platform’s aim is to provide users with sound samples that they can legally use. Therefore, users can upload their own custom sound samples to a library called AirLib. However, users who want to use other users’ sound samples must obtain prior permission and agreement on the copyright.
These samples can be used for making music, sound designing, or other sound projects. Users can upload these samples to the AirLib library, and other users can create their own projects by using these samples.

The blockchain technology is a decentralized database that has a highly secure structure in terms of security. The data is divided into groups called blocks and is linked in a chain-like manner. These blocks are continuously validated by referring to the data in the previous blocks and become immutable.
Thanks to these features, blockchain technology offers an ideal solution for the security of sound recordings in AirLib. The sound recordings are encrypted with blockchain technology using AirGuard, and each recording receives a unique identification number and a timestamp. This way, any changes made to each recording are instantly detected, and the integrity of the recording is preserved.
Moreover, blockchain technology works in a completely distributed structure without a central authority. This means that only authorized persons can access the records and the security of the records is ensured. Additionally, blockchain technology can be used for recording and storing any type of data that requires security since it prevents data manipulation.